Arduino Mega 2560 R3 (original)

Arduino UNO R3 (original)

HC-SR04 - Ultrasons

Shield de Prototipagem para Rapberry...
Sensor Ultrasom à prova de água que pode medir distâncias até 7.5m
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Connection with Arduino
The ultrasonic sensor adopts closed probe of transmitter & receiver, waterproof and dustproof. All the signal processing units are integrated inside the module, so users can directly obtain the distance value through Asynchronous Serial Interface. With 9600bit/s band rate, the sensor can easily communicate with upper-host or other MCU, which greatly shortens the developing cycle for users.
Connection with Raspberry Pi
Use the sensor with Arduino controller to build up your projects, such as backing car annunciator, obstacle avoidance robot, object approaching detection etc.
Beam Directionalities Diagram
Dimension Diagram
Produtos Associados
Sensor Ultrasom à prova de água que pode medir distâncias até 7.5m