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HAT Pan Tilt para Raspberry Pi c/ Servos e Driver
Este é um Hat Pan Tilt 2-DOF projetado para Raspberry Pi. Com o chip PCA9685 PWM integrado e o sensor de luz ambiente TSL2581, ele permite à Raspberry Pi controlar o movimento da câmera e detectar a intensidade da luz através da interface I2C.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Note: Raspberry Pi and camera are NOT included.
This is a 2-DOF pan-tilt kit designed for Raspberry Pi. With onboard PCA9685 PWM chip and TSL2581 ambient light sensor, it allows the Pi to control camera movement and sense light intensity through I2C interface.
- Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO extension header, supports Raspberry Pi series boards, Jetson Nano
- I2C interface, only 2 pins are required for moving and light intensity sensing
- Onboard PCA9685 chip, provides 12-bit resolution PWM signal for moving control
- Onboard TSL2581FN light-to-digital converter, with embedded ADC, provides a value that approximates the human eye response to assist the module
- Onboard voltage level translator, compatible with 3.3V/5V operating voltage
- Specific acrylic board to fix the Raspberry Pi camera, make it easy to install
- Comes with development resources and manual (demo code, assembly guide)
- PWM driver: PCA9685
- PWM resolution: 12-bit
- Ambient light sensor: TSL2581FN
- Ambient light resolution: 16-bit
- Communication interface: I2C
- Operating voltage: 3.3V/5V
- Dimension: 56.6mm x 65mm
How to Assemble
A little assembly work is required to use the Pan-Tilt HAT, yet it's pretty easy to do, here's the assembly guide.
Development Resources
Wiki : www.waveshare.com/wiki/Pan-Tilt_HAT
Package Content
Weight: 0.082 kg
Note: Raspberry Pi and camera are NOT included.
- Pan-Tilt HAT x1
- 2-DOF pan-tilt kit x1
- SG90 servo x1
- MG90S servo x1
- Acrylic board x1
- M2 screws pack x1
- RPi screws pack (2pcs) x1
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