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RS-485 Breakout - UART-RS485 convert
BOB-10124: RS-485 Breakout que converte a comunicação série UART para RS-485. Usa o transceiver half-duplex SP3485.
This is a breakout board for the SP3485 RS-485 transceiver IC, which will convert a UART serial stream to RS-485. The SP3485 is a half-duplex transceiver, so it can only communicate one way at a time, but it can reach transmission speeds of up to 10Mbps. This board requires a very low amount of power and can operate from a single +3.3VDC supply.
This breakout board includes the SP3485 RS-485 transceiver, filter capacitor, and other components shown on the schematic. We've broken out the RS-485 output to three different connections: (1) an RJ-45 connector, (2) a 3-pin 3.55mm screw terminal, and (3) a 3-pin 0.1" pitch header; none of these output connectors come populated.
- Fully equipped with SP3485 RS-485 transceiver and supporting components
- Operates from a single +3.3V supply
- Interoperable with +5.0V logic
- RS-485 input/output broken out to RJ-45 connector, 3.5mm screw terminal, and 0.1" pitch header
- Driver/Receiver Enable connected to RTS line
- -7V to +12V Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
- Allows up to 32 transceivers on the serial bus
- Driver Output Short-Circuit Protection
- 0.9x1.0"
- Schematic
- Eagle Files
- Datasheet (SP3485)
- GitHub (Design Files)
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