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ChipKIT uC32
Digilent ChipKIT uC32, compatível com Arduino IDE, com 42 pinos I/O e processador MIPS de 32-bit core a 80 MHz, 512K Flash. Aceita shields com 3,3V.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Product Description
The chipKIT™ uC32 is a prototyping platform that adds the performance of the Microchip® PIC32 microcontroller. To download the Multi-Platform Integrated Development Environment (MPIDE), please visit http://www.chipkit.net/started
The uC32 features a USB serial port interface for connection to the IDE and can be powered via USB or an external power supply. The board takes advantage of the powerful PIC32MX340F512 microcontroller, which features a 32-bit MIPS processor core running at 80 MHz, 512K of Flash program memory, and 32K of SRAM data memory.
The uC32 can be programmed using MPIDE, which supports PIC32. It contains everything needed to start developing embedded applications. In addition, the uC32 is fully compatible with the advanced Microchip MPLAB® IDE and the PICkit3 in-system programmer/debugger.
The uC32 is easy to use and suitable for both beginners and advanced users experimenting with electronics and embedded control systems. It provides 42 I/O pins that support a number of peripheral functions, such as UART, SPI, I2C ports, and pulse-width modulated outputs. Twelve of the I/O pins can be used as analog inputs or as digital inputs and outputs.
For additional platform-specific support for your chipKIT, please visit: http://www.chipkit.org/forum/ or Digilent's forum at forum.digilentinc.com.
Processor/IC: Microchip PIC32MX340F512H microcontroller
- USB connector for USB serial converter
- 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel connector used to power the uC32 from an external power supply
Programming: Programmable by MPIDE and Microchip MPLAB IDE
- PIC32MX3xx series
- 512KB Flash
- 32KB RAM
- 80 MHz operating speed
- Two SPI and two I2C
- 16 channel 10-bit ADC, five PWM outputs
- 42 available I/O pins
- 3.3V operating voltage
- 12 analog inputs
- PC connection uses a USB A to mini-B cable (not included)
- 7V to 15V input voltage
- +/-18mA DC current per pin
- 75mA typical operating current
- Two user LEDs
- Programmable with MPIDE
- Compatible with the advanced MPLAB IDE and the PICkit 3 in-system programmer/debugger
Support Materials
Datasheet (PDF)For all other material:
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