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LED RGB smd 5050 - Pack de 10
Conjunto de 10 LEDs RGB smd 5050
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
These surface-mount LEDs are an easy way to add a lot of colorful dots to your project. They're similar to the ones in our digital RGB LED strip, same size and shape. They are half a centimeter on a side, which makes them small but not so small that they are impossible to hand solder. There are three LEDs inside, red green and blue and because they are so close together, they mix very nicely, without the need for a diffuser. The LED is also insanely bright, at a eyeball-blistering 3800mcd.
Comes in a strip of 10 pieces. If you order more than one strip, it will come as multiple strips of 10, not one long strip.
Please note this is a surface mount part! it is possible to solder thin wires to the pads but its designed for use on a SMT PCB. We do have an Eagle package for this LED in our github library repository, called RGBLED5050 that you can use in your next PCB design. If you are not comfortable with hand soldering SMT parts, check out our other RGB LEDs such as the thru-hole ones or in pixels/strips. -
- Red Vf: 1.8 to 2.1V
- Green Vf: 3.0 to 3.2V
- Blue Vf: 3.0 to 3.2V
- Red color: 620-625 nm
- Green color: 520-525 nm
- Blue color: 465-470 nm
- Red brightness @ ~20mA: 600-800 mcd
- Blue brightness @ ~20mA: 800-1000 mcd
- Green brightness @ ~20mA: 1500-2000mcd