Este é um módulo sem fios 2.4G de longo alcance até 1100m baseado no chip nRF24L01+ com circuito PA e circuito LNA
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos
O Módulo NRF24L01 sem fios 2.4G de longo alcance é baseado no chip nRF24L01+ e nele contém o circuito PA e o circuito LNA. Com a antena externa, o Módulo NRF24L01 pode atingir uma distância muito mais longa do que o mesmo sem esta parte.
O módulo de rede Wireless NRF24L01 é uma óptima opção de comunicação entre placas como Raspberry Pi e Arduino, trabalhando na frequência de 2.4GHz.
Este módulo transmissor sem fios, NRF24L01, é um módulo fácil e adequado se quiser configurar o seu sistema de comunicação sem fios e a baixo custo!
Com este módulo, pode enviar e receber informações à distância de sensores, microcontroladores, máquinas e equipamentos electrónicos em geral. Além disso, este módulo nRF24L01 + é projetado com amplificador de potência e antena SMA. Isso permite utilizar a comunicação sem fios até 1000 metros! (sem barreiras)
• Controlador NRF24L01+
• Frequência: 2.4GHz~2.5GHz;
• Tensão de operação: 3 ~ 3.6V Máx.;
• Corrente: 115mA;
• Multi-frequência: 125 frequência.
• 1x Módulo NRF24L01+;
• 1x Antena SMA.
Código Exemplo:
/** ****************************************************************** ** SPI-compatible ** ** CS - to digital pin 8 ** ** CSN - to digital pin 9 (SS pin) ** ** IRQ - to digital pin 10 (IRQ pin) ** ** MOSI - to digital pin 11 (MOSI pin) ** ** MISO - to digital pin 12 (MISO pin) ** ** CLK - to digital pin 13 (SCK pin) ** *********************************************************************/ #include <SPI.h> #include "API.h" #include "nRF24L01.h" //*************************************************** #define TX_ADR_WIDTH 5 // 5 unsigned chars TX(RX) address width #define TX_PLOAD_WIDTH 32 // 32 unsigned chars TX payload unsigned char TX_ADDRESS[TX_ADR_WIDTH] = { 0x34,0x43,0x10,0x10,0x01 }; // Define a static TX address unsigned char rx_buf[TX_PLOAD_WIDTH] = {0}; // initialize value unsigned char tx_buf[TX_PLOAD_WIDTH] = {0}; //*************************************************** void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(CE, OUTPUT); pinMode(CSN, OUTPUT); pinMode(IRQ, INPUT); SPI.begin(); delay(50); init_io(); // Initialize IO port unsigned char sstatus=SPI_Read(STATUS); Serial.println("*******************TX_Mode Start****************************"); Serial.print("status = "); Serial.println(sstatus,HEX); // There is read the mode’s status register, the default value should be ‘E’ TX_Mode(); // set TX mode } void loop() { int k = 0; for(;;) { for(int i=0; i<32; i++) tx_buf[i] = k++; unsigned char sstatus = SPI_Read(STATUS); // read register STATUS's value if(sstatus&TX_DS) // if receive data ready (TX_DS) interrupt { SPI_RW_Reg(FLUSH_TX,0); SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,tx_buf,TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); // write playload to TX_FIFO } if(sstatus&MAX_RT) // if receive data ready (MAX_RT) interrupt, this is retransmit than SETUP_RETR { SPI_RW_Reg(FLUSH_TX,0); SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,tx_buf,TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); // disable standy-mode } SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG+STATUS,sstatus); // clear RX_DR or TX_DS or MAX_RT interrupt flag delay(1000); } } //************************************************** // Function: init_io(); // Description: // flash led one time,chip enable(ready to TX or RX Mode), // Spi disable,Spi clock line init high //************************************************** void init_io(void) { digitalWrite(IRQ, 0); digitalWrite(CE, 0); // chip enable digitalWrite(CSN, 1); // Spi disable } /************************************************************************ ** * Function: SPI_RW(); * * Description: * Writes one unsigned char to nRF24L01, and return the unsigned char read * from nRF24L01 during write, according to SPI protocol ************************************************************************/ unsigned char SPI_RW(unsigned char Byte) { return SPI.transfer(Byte); } /**************************************************/ /************************************************** * Function: SPI_RW_Reg(); * * Description: * Writes value 'value' to register 'reg' /**************************************************/ unsigned char SPI_RW_Reg(unsigned char reg, unsigned char value) { unsigned char status; digitalWrite(CSN, 0); // CSN low, init SPI transaction SPI_RW(reg); // select register SPI_RW(value); // ..and write value to it.. digitalWrite(CSN, 1); // CSN high again return(status); // return nRF24L01 status unsigned char } /**************************************************/ /************************************************** * Function: SPI_Read(); * * Description: * Read one unsigned char from nRF24L01 register, 'reg' /**************************************************/ unsigned char SPI_Read(unsigned char reg) { unsigned char reg_val; digitalWrite(CSN, 0); // CSN low, initialize SPI communication... SPI_RW(reg); // Select register to read from.. reg_val = SPI_RW(0); // ..then read register value digitalWrite(CSN, 1); // CSN high, terminate SPI communication return(reg_val); // return register value } /**************************************************/ /************************************************** * Function: SPI_Read_Buf(); * * Description: * Reads 'unsigned chars' #of unsigned chars from register 'reg' * Typically used to read RX payload, Rx/Tx address /**************************************************/ unsigned char SPI_Read_Buf(unsigned char reg, unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned char bytes) { unsigned char sstatus,i; digitalWrite(CSN, 0); // Set CSN low, init SPI tranaction sstatus = SPI_RW(reg); // Select register to write to and read status unsigned char for(i=0;i<bytes;i++) { pBuf[i] = SPI_RW(0); // Perform SPI_RW to read unsigned char from nRF24L01 } digitalWrite(CSN, 1); // Set CSN high again return(sstatus); // return nRF24L01 status unsigned char } /**************************************************/ /************************************************** * Function: SPI_Write_Buf(); * * Description: * Writes contents of buffer '*pBuf' to nRF24L01 * Typically used to write TX payload, Rx/Tx address /**************************************************/ unsigned char SPI_Write_Buf(unsigned char reg, unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned char bytes) { unsigned char sstatus,i; digitalWrite(CSN, 0); // Set CSN low, init SPI tranaction sstatus = SPI_RW(reg); // Select register to write to and read status unsigned char for(i=0;i<bytes; i++) // then write all unsigned char in buffer(*pBuf) { SPI_RW(*pBuf++); } digitalWrite(CSN, 1); // Set CSN high again return(sstatus); // return nRF24L01 status unsigned char } /**************************************************/ /************************************************** * Function: TX_Mode(); * * Description: * This function initializes one nRF24L01 device to * TX mode, set TX address, set RX address for auto.ack, * fill TX payload, select RF channel, datarate & TX pwr. * PWR_UP is set, CRC(2 unsigned chars) is enabled, & PRIM:TX. * * ToDo: One high pulse(>10us) on CE will now send this * packet and expext an acknowledgment from the RX device. **************************************************/ void TX_Mode(void) { digitalWrite(CE, 0); SPI_Write_Buf(WRITE_REG + TX_ADDR, TX_ADDRESS, TX_ADR_WIDTH); // Writes TX_Address to nRF24L01 SPI_Write_Buf(WRITE_REG + RX_ADDR_P0, TX_ADDRESS, TX_ADR_WIDTH); // RX_Addr0 same as TX_Adr for Auto.Ack SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_AA, 0x01); // Enable Auto.Ack:Pipe0 SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_RXADDR, 0x01); // Enable Pipe0 SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + SETUP_RETR, 0x1a); // 500us + 86us, 10 retrans... SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + RF_CH, 40); // Select RF channel 40 SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + RF_SETUP, 0x07); // TX_PWR:0dBm, Datarate:2Mbps, LNA:HCURR SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + CONFIG, 0x0e); // Set PWR_UP bit, enable CRC(2 unsigned chars) & Prim:TX. MAX_RT & TX_DS enabled.. SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,tx_buf,TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); digitalWrite(CE, 1); }
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