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2x2 LEDs RGB 2812 - RJ11 EASY plug - Keyestudio KS0370
O módulo EASY plug 2812 2x2 full color RGB é uma fonte de luz LED de controlo externo. Este módulo integra um circuito de controlo e um circuito de iluminação. Podes conectar este módulo facilmente à placa EASY Plug e para comunicação podes usar o cabo RJ11.
Se quiseres saber mais sobre este produto, consulta a Wiki Page
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
EASY plug 2812 2x2 full color RGB module is a smart external control LED light source that integrates control circuit and lighting circuit.
Each LED has the same appearance as a 5050 LED bead, and each component is a pixel point.
The pixel point includes an intelligent digital interface data latch signal shaping and amplifying driving circuit, as well as a high-precision internal oscillator and a 12V high-voltage programmable constant current control part, which effectively ensures that the color of the pixel point light is highly uniform.
The data protocol adopts the single-line return-to-zero code communication mode. After power-on and reset the pixel point, the S pin receives the data transmitted from the controller. And the 24-bit data are extracted by the first pixel and then sent to the data latch inside the pixel point.
LED has advantages of low voltage drive, environmental protection and energy saving, high brightness, wide scattering angle, good consistency, ultra low power, long life and so on.
You can easily connect it to EASY Plug control board for communication using a RJ11 cable.
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