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Barra 12 LEDs bi-color (Vermelho/Verde)
Display de 12 barras bicolor. Cada barra possui um LED verde e um LED vermelho conseguindo reproduzir as cores verde, vermelho e amarelo. O amarelo consegue-se acendendo os dois LED´s ao mesmo tempo!
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Make a small linear display with multiple colors using this elegant bi-color LED bargraph. Only 1.2" long, it is quite visible but not so large it wont plug into a breadboard! 24 LEDs are contained in the plastic body, 12 red 14mcd and 12 13mcd green. Every bar has two LEDs inside so you can have it display red, green, yellow or with fast multiplexing any color in between. This display is bright, beautiful and funky with nice diffused rectangular lenses for a striking look. There are 14 pins, 7 on each side, with 0.1" spacing so you can easily plug it into a breadboard with plenty of space for wiring left over.
Since the display is multiplexed we suggest using 3 NPN transistors to drive the cathodes with microcontroller pins and then a 74HC595 to drive the 8 anodes.
There is a playground article about bargraph displays but that one is for non-multiplexed displays. You should also check out the tutorials introducing matrices for ideas on how to drive a multiplexed bargraph.Bi-Color (Red/Green) 12-LED Bargraph - Pack of 2 (4:37)
- Dimensions: 10mm x 30mm ( 0.4" x 1.2")
- 7mm (0.3") thick
- Lots more details including dimensions, pinouts, etc in the datasheet, this is the Common-Cathode model KWL-R1230CDUGB
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