Este sensor de luz foto transistor é um sensor simples que detecta a luz ambiente. É o oposto de um LED - quando a luz atinge o pequeno chip interno, ele induz a corrente do pino longo para o pino curto.
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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
This sensor has a built-in optical filter (probably IR filter) so it'll do a fair job of simulating light levels as the human eye does. Basically, connect the pin connected to the 'thicker' part of the sensor to 3-15VDC or so, and the thinner-part pin through a ~1K-10K series resistor to ground. When its dark, there's almost no current flowing through the sensor or resistor and the analog voltage is near ground. When there's light near the sensor, the current through the resistor will increase, raising the voltage. You can adjust the series resistor to get the voltage range you need, and measure the analog voltage with a microcontroller. If you're not getting any readings, try flipping the sensor around.
Produtos Associados
Este sensor de luz foto transistor é um sensor simples que detecta a luz ambiente. É o oposto de um LED - quando a luz atinge o pequeno chip interno, ele induz a corrente do pino longo para o pino curto.