Cabos c/ Pinças de Crocodilo - 10pcs

LilyPad - Suporte de Pilha tipo Botão...

Esta placa irá ser uma grande ajuda no que toca a prototipagem. Poderás explorar circuitos e ligar os mesmo através de tecido!
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
The LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus is a sewable electronics prototyping board that you can use to explore circuits and programming, then break apart to make an interactive fabric or wearable project. Programming the ProtoSnap Plus is easy with the free Arduino software you’ll need to program the ATmega32U4 on LilyPad USB Plus at the heart of the board. Once you’ve installed the software, you’ll be able to write and upload your own programs to the board, making it do almost anything you want.
At the center of the ProtoSnap Plus is the LilyPad USB Plus microcontroller, pre-wired to a LilyPad board including a LilyPad Light Sensor, LilyPad Buzzer, LilyPad Button Board, four pairs of colored LilyPad LEDs and a LilyPad Slide Switch. Because these components are connected together on the ProtoSnap board, you can test out your project ideas before you sew. The ProtoSnap Plus also includes expansion ports that let you sew your wearables together or use alligator cables to easily connect external sensors and components. After testing out your coding ideas using the attached LilyPad pieces, you can break apart the prototyping board and sew them into your project!
Please be aware that the Lilypad ProtoSnap Plus is NOT supported on Windows 7/8 due to a lack of support drivers for those specific OS's.
1x LilyPad USB Plus
1x LilyPad Light Sensor
1x LilyPad Buzzer
1x LilyPad Button
1x LilyPad Switch
2x LilyPad LED - Yellow
2x LilyPad LED - Red
2x LilyPad LED - Green
2x LilyPad LED - Blue
5x Expansion Ports
Produtos Associados
Esta placa irá ser uma grande ajuda no que toca a prototipagem. Poderás explorar circuitos e ligar os mesmo através de tecido!