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Kit DIY para Raspberry Pi - Whadda WPK801

: PCO01232
64,90 €
preço com IVA incluído

O Whadda WPK801 é um kit de para a tua Raspberry Pi que inclui uma variedade de componentes eletrónicos, como uma breadboard, um módulo LCD, uma placa de expansão GPIO, um recetor de infravermelhos, um motor de passo, várias resistências, LEDs e sensores. Todos estes componentes estão organizados na sua caixa transparente!

Nota: Placa Raspberry Pi não incluída!



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.

  1. Educational: Discover the fascinating world of Whadda prototyping and programming kits and learn the basics of electronics through engaging projects. The kits offer step-by-step instructions and clear explanations, allowing both beginners and experts to learn and experiment.

  2. +Creativity: Give space to your imagination and create unique electronic projects with the Whadda prototyping and programming kits. Unleash your creativity and build something that is truly yours!

  3. +Made in Belgium : Whadda is a unique brand from Belgium's Velleman Group that offers DIY projects for hobbyists or makers who want to immerse themselves in electronics, programming and mechanics.

  4. +STEM project: Develop and improve your STEM skills and acquire the knowledge, skills and experience needed to face the technological challenges of the future with this educational kit. This educational kit will trigger a number of processes such as problem-solving, investigative and creative thinking.

  5. +Perfect for young and old: With this experiment kit, children and adults with little or no prior knowledge can take their first steps into the exciting world of electronics and advanced users can deepen their knowledge.



Product basic info
Primary colours Multicolour
Depth unit 14 cm
Height unit 4.8 cm
Width unit 20 cm
Weight unit                            340 g


Technical data
Specifications kits & modules                              
  • 830 points solderless breadboard
  • 10 x 10K resistors (RA10K0)
  • 10 x 560R resistors (RA560E0)
  • 10 x 5.1K resistors
  • 1 x 1602 LCD module (LCD1602BLC)
  • 1 x T-shape GPIO expansion board
  • 1 x ribbon cable for GPIO board
  • 1 x infrared receiver module (WPI317)
  • 1 x mini remote control for infrared receiver module (WPI317)
  • 1 x 50K potentiometer (K047AM)
  • 4 x button with round cap 4-pin 12 x 12 mm
Specifications extra kits & modules
  • 2 x red LED 5 mm
  • 2 x green LED 5 mm
  • 2 x yellow LED 5 mm
  • 1 x RGB LED 5 mm
  • 1 x 40 pin 2.54 mm single row male pin header
  • 1 x 5 V stepper motor with ULN2003 driver board
  • 1 x DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor
  • 1 x PL2303 USB-TTL serial converter cable
  • 1 x rain sensor module
  • 2 x photo sensitive transistor (SGPT5053C)
  • 1 x temperature sensor (DS18B20)


Operational properties
Coding skill level 2
Electronics skill level 2
Mechanics skill level                     1
Soldering skill level None

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