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Temperature Control Lab (apmonitor TCLAB) - Kit Educacional Completo

63,50 €
preço com IVA incluído

O Arduino Temperature Control Lab é um kit educacional projetado para experiências práticas de controlo de temperatura. Este kit utiliza um Arduíno Leonardo para controlar um sistema de aquecimento com um ventilador e sensor de temperatura, permitindo a implementação e teste de algoritmos de controlo como PID. . O kit é amplamente utilizado em cursos de engenharia e ciência de dados, sendo uma ferramenta prática para estudantes e profissionais.



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


Temperature Control Lab

The temperature control lab is an application of feedback control with an Arduino, an LED, two heaters, and two temperature sensors. The heater power output is adjusted to maintain a desired temperature setpoint. Thermal energy from the heater is transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation to the temperature sensor. Heat is also transferred away from the device to the surroundings.


This lab is a resource for model identification and controller development. It is a pocket-sized lab with software in Python, MATLAB, and Simulink for the purpose of reinforcing control theory for students. Learning modules include:

  1. Begin Python with TCLab

  2. Learn Scientific Python for Engineers

  3. Process Dynamics and Control with TCLab

  4. Machine Learning and Dynamic Optimization with TCLab


The Temperature Control lab kit includes:

  1. Arduino (Leonardo)

  2. Temperature control PCB shield

  3. USB barrel jack power (20AWG) cable for heaters

  4. 5V USB power supply (EU Plug)

  5. USB cable for serial connection to MacOS, Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi computer


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