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Sensor Laser de Distância 3.3-5V (4m, I2C, IP67) - DFRobot SEN0590
Este sensor de distância a laser tem um tamanho compacto, comparável ao tamanho de uma unha, e um alcance de medição de até 4 m. Foi especificamente concebido para resolver os problemas habitualmente encontrados nos sensores de distância existentes no mercado, tais como o tamanho grande, o tempo de resposta lento e a fraca adaptabilidade de instalação.
Se quiseres obter mais informações sobre este produto, incluindo códigos de exemplo, consulta a sua Wiki Page.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
This laser distance ranging sensor has a compact size, comparable to the size of a fingernail, and a measurement range of up to 4m. It is specifically designed to address the issues commonly found in distance sensors on the market, such as large size, slow response time, and poor installation adaptability.
It boasts a range of advantages including small size, minimal blind zone (Measurement accuracy: ≤25cm@±1cm, >25cm@±S*4%cm), fast response time (19-38ms), high installation adaptability, dust and water resistance (IP67), long lifespan, and high reliability.
The sensor outputs data through an I2C interface, which allows users to easily integrate it with Arduino IO expansion boards.
It finds widespread applications in various fields, including smart furniture with motion sensing capabilities, home security systems, intelligent detection systems, smart control systems, robot obstacle avoidance, and object proximity and presence detection.
Compact size and small blind zone
Lightweight and fast response time
Simple to use with I2C output
IP67 waterproof rating
Smart furniture with motion sensing capabilities
Home security systems
Intelligent detection systems
Smart control systems
Robot obstacle avoidance
Object proximity and presence detection
Measurement range: 2-400cm.
Measurement accuracy: ≤25cm@±1cm, >25cm@±S*4%cm (with an actual error of around 5mm).
Operating voltage: 3.3-5V.
Idle current: 2mA.
Operating current: <19mA.
Communication method: I2C.
Output response time: 19-38ms.
Power-on delay time: ≤800ms.
Detection angle: 19°.
Operating temperature: -15°C ~ 60°C.
Operating humidity: 65% ~ 80%RH.
Storage temperature: -30°C ~ 80°C.
Storage humidity: 65% ~ 90%RH.
Shipping List
Laser Ranging Sensor (4m) x1
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