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FPGA - Mimas V2 Spartan 6 - Placa de desenvolvimento c/ DDR SDRAM
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Product Description
MIMAS V2 is a feature packed yet low cost FPGA Development board featuring Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA. MIMAS V2 is specially designed for experimenting and learning system design with FPGAs. This development board features SPARTAN XC6SLX9 CSG324 FPGA with onboard 512Mb DDR SDRAM. The USB 2.0 interface provides fast and easy configuration download to the on-board SPI flash. No need to buy an expensive programmer or special downloader cable to download the bit stream to the board.
- Product Prototype Development
- Signal Processing
- Learning Digital Electronics
- Educational tool for schools and universities
Board features
- FPGA: Spartan XC6SLX9 in CSG324 package
- DDR Memory: 166MHz 512Mb LPDDR (MT46H32M16LF/W949D6CBHX6E)
- Flash memory: 16 Mb SPI flash memory (M25P16)
- USB 2.0 interface for On-board flash programming
- FPGA configuration via JTAG and USB
- 8 LEDs ,Six Push Buttons and 8 way DIP switch for user defined purposes
- VGA Connector
- Stereo Jack
- Micro SD Card Adapter
- Three Digit Seven Segment Displays
- 32 IOs for user defined purposes
- Four 6×2 Expansion Connectors
- On-board voltage regulators for single power rail operation
- Base System Builder Wizard
- Configuration Tool (Windows)
- Numato Lab USB CDC Driver
- Sample Bin File
- User Constraints File
- User Manual
- Numato Lab Board support files for EDK BSB wizard
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 1 - Introduction
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 2 - Modules
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 3 - Simulation
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 4 - Synthesis
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 5 - Embedded System
- Learning FPGA and Verilog A Beginner's Guide Part 6 - DDR SDRAM
- Mimas V2 basics by Alexander Lang
- Implementing Arduino Soft Processor on Mimas V2 by Alexander Lang
Sample Code:
- 16x2 LCD Display
- LEDs
- Push Button Switch
- Seven Segment LED Display
- 8Bit VGA
- LM4550 AC97 Audio
- CS4344 Stereo Audio
- HDMI Transmitter
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