NodeMcu Lua - Placa de...
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ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth LoRa SX1278...

ESP32 WIFI Kit 32 com display OLED...
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Esta placa é a evolução do Node Lua que usa o ESP8266 e que nesta versão adota o ESP32 ( LuaNode32 ).
Com este CPU dual core a 266MHz de clock, confere-lhe um maior poder computacional, o que lhe permitirá até enveredar por pequenos projectos com cameras e identificação de objetos.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
This ESP32 board is an upgrade of the Node Lua ESP8266. It has already an integrated antenna, power amplifier, low-noise amplifiers, filters, power management module and USB to serial converter CP2102 from SILABS. The entire solution takes up the minimum amount of printed circuit board area. This board is used with 2.4 GHz dual-mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chips by TSMC 40nm low power technology, power and RF properties best, which is safe, reliable, and scalable to a variety of applications.
This new version of LuaNode32 is developed based on esp-idf and compatible with Esplorer
The following figures show the ESP32 dev-board size:
Download the DOIT dev-board schematic here
export PATH=/your_path/toolchains/esp32/bin:$PATH
, where the your_path
is the path the toolchains stored.esp-idf
path by the following command: export IDF_PATH=the_esp-idf_path
, then input make
to build firmware.For more details, view LuaNode wiki page
Programming with Lua is easy, some samples are as follow:
-- create file on file system file.open("myfile.lua", "w+"); file.write("hello world"); file.close(); -- read file from file system file.open("myfile.lua", "r"); -- read 1024 bytes from myfile.lua and save them -- to content content=file.read(1024); print(content); file.close(); -- remove file file.remove("myfile.lua"); -- restart device node.restart();
You can add your own Lua modules to LuaNode at will, visit the LuaNode wiki page for more details.
LuaNode is compatible with Esplorer
now, you can edit and download Lua Code to ESP32 with Esplorer
Get Esplorer Here
:For details, see LuaNode wiki page Here.
See LuaNode wiki page Here.
See wiki page Here.
: This is a sample to show how to create an os task. Build the example by executing the gen_misc.sh.How to create a task:
void task1(void *pvParameters) { // do something } void user_init(void) { xTaskCreate(task1, (signed char *)"tsk1", 256, &mainqueue, 2, NULL); }
Note: There is a task to receive uart input. You'd better alloc more than 512k memory for this task, since the lua command handler will be called in this task, more memory is required for lua handler.
: A lua app.
: An wifi sample. Set baud rate to 115200pbs, using UART0. It will disconnect WiFi connection.
: List all APs, along with clents connected to them, near your device. The list info then sent to Android device via OTG, and display on Android.
1 x ESP32 Development Board
Produtos Associados
Esta placa é a evolução do Node Lua que usa o ESP8266 e que nesta versão adota o ESP32 ( LuaNode32 ).
Com este CPU dual core a 266MHz de clock, confere-lhe um maior poder computacional, o que lhe permitirá até enveredar por pequenos projectos com cameras e identificação de objetos.