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Encoder fotoelétrico incremental - 400P/R
Este é um encoder rotativo fotoelétrico incremental industrial feito com alumínio, concha metálica e eixo de aço inoxidável. Ele gera um sinal de pulso ortogonal de duas fases AB através da rotação do disco.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
This is an industrial incremental photoelectric rotary encoder with aluminum material, metal shell and stainless steel shaft. It generates AB two-phase orthogonal pulse signal though the rotation of the grating disk and optocoupler. 400 pulses/round for each phase, and 1600 pulses/round for dual-phase 4 times output. This rotary encoder supports max 5000 r/min speed. And it can be used for speed, angle, angular velocity and other data measurement.
The photoelectric rotary encoder has a NPN open collector output. It could work with Microcontroller with internal pull-up resistors directly. And it is using 750L05 voltage regulator chip, which has a DC4.8V-24V wide range power input, compatible with Arduino, STM32, PLC and other types of microcontrollers.
- Supply Voltage: 4.8V ~ 24v
- Encoder Body Size: Φ39× 36.5mm
- Output Shaft Diameter: Φ6 × 13mm
- Outside Shaft Platform: Φ20 × 4.85 mm
- Fixing Holes Screws: M3
Board Overview
Num | Label | Description |
White | VCC | Power + |
Black | GND | Power - |
Red | A | Pulse A (Need pull-up Resistor) |
Green | B | Pulse B (Need pull-up Resistor) |
Direction & Interrupt count
- Hardware
- DFRduino UNO (or similar) x 1
- Incremental Photoelectric Rotary Encoder
- 2x 1K Resistor
- M-M/F-M/F-F Jumper wires
- Software
- Arduino IDE, Click to Download Arduino IDE from Arduino®
Connection Diagram
Sample Code
/*************************************************** Two phase quadrature encoder(Incremental) * **************************************************** To determine motor with encode (CW OR CCW) @author Dong @version V1.0 @date 2016-5-26 All above must be included in any redistribution * ****************************************************/ #define A_PHASE 2 #define B_PHASE 3 unsigned int flag_A = 0; //Assign a value to the token bit unsigned int flag_B = 0; //Assign a value to the token bit /** * */ void setup() { pinMode(A_PHASE, INPUT); pinMode(B_PHASE, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); //Serial Port Baudrate: 9600 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt( A_PHASE), interrupt, RISING); //Interrupt trigger mode: RISING } void loop() { Serial.print("CCW: "); Serial.println(flag_A); Serial.print("CW: "); Serial.println(flag_B); delay(1000);// Direction judgement } void interrupt()// Interrupt function { char i; i = digitalRead( B_PHASE); if (i == 1) flag_A += 1; else flag_B += 1; }
Expected Results
Use the interruption to detect the rotation direction and count cylinder number.
Q1. Why I can't get any feedback from the encoder? |
A. Please connect pull-up resistor to phase A & B
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