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Módulo Conversor CAN para TTL com Protocolo SLCAN - DFRobot TEL0150
Este é um módulo de comunicação CAN para UART e USB 1.0 compatível com 3,3V e 5V. Suporta o protocolo CAN 2.0 e incorpora o comando SLCAN, eliminando a necessidade de te preocupares com as complexidades do protocolo CAN. Com o simples envio de comandos AT, é possível efetuar a transmissão de dados CAN e configurar as suas funcionalidades.
Se quiseres saber mais sobre este produto, consulta a sua Wiki Page.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
This is a CAN-to-UART and USB 1.0 communication module that is compatible with both 3.3V and 5V. It supports the CAN 2.0 protocol and incorporates the SLCAN command, eliminating the need for you to concern yourself with the complexities of the CAN protocol. By simply sending AT commands, you can engage in CAN data transmission and configure its functionalities.
This module not only provides a UART interface but also integrates a USB interface, eliminating the need for cumbersome conversions between USB and UART during data debugging. Connecting it to your computer via USB allows for convenient data debugging through a serial assistant. This feature proves particularly handy when deploying the module on-site for debugging purposes.
The module offers a configurable CAN baud rate range of 25K–1 Mbps, supporting a maximum rate of 2 milliseconds per transmission and ensuring the delivery of 500 data packets per second without any loss. Its stable and reliable communication capabilities significantly reduce the likelihood of errors in your project and streamline the project debugging process.
Additionally, the module is equipped with data communication indicators and a 120Ω resistor jumper. These design details serve to enhance the efficiency of your project development and validation.
Would you like to learn about the differences between Modbus and CAN bus? Read this blog to gain further insight.
Functional diagram of Gravity: CAN to TTL Communication Module
Connection Diagram of Gravity: CAN to TTL Communication Module and ESP32-E
Supports CAN 2.0.
Incorporates SLCAN protocol commands, ensuring user-friendly operation with no need to focus on CAN protocol intricacies.
Enables CAN baud rate configuration ranging from 25K to 1Mbps, guaranteeing the delivery of 500 data packets per second without any loss.
Integrates a USB interface, eliminating the requirement for additional USB-to-UART connections and providing convenient usability.
Compatible with both 3.3V and 5V voltage levels and power supply.
Configuration parameters can be saved even when power is disconnected.
Intended for communication among robotics and intelligent vehicles enthusiasts.
Ideal for research and development engineers, as well as small-scale development companies, for learning, product testing, development, and integration purposes.
Illumination control system for small vehicles.
Operating voltage: 3.3V - 5V.
Operating current: 65mA.
AT command protocol: SLCAN.
Compatible with CAN 2.0 protocol.
USB interface: USB 1.0.
UART interface voltage levels: 3.3V, 5V.
UART baud rate: 115200Bps (default configuration).
Optional CAN communication baud rates:
500kbits/s (default configuration)
CAN communication jumper: ×1
CAN communication indicator: ×1
Programming languages: C++, Arduino C, serial assistant.
Solder material: Environmentally-friendly lead-free solder.
Product dimensions (excluding packaging): 37mm×47mm×11.6mm (at the highest point).
Shipping List
Gravity-4P I2C/UART Sensor Cable × 1
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