Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR
  • Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR

Camera p/ Raspberry Pi c/ IR-CUT e 2 iluminadores IR

: PCO01072
32,50 €
preço com IVA incluído

Câmara de 5 Mpixel com filtro IR-CUT (elimina a distorção de cores originada pela luz de dia) para a Raspberry Pi e com dois ilminadores IR para visão noturna.

Sem Stock


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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


  • Raspberry Pi Camera, supports all revisions of the Pi
  • Embedded removable IR-CUT filter, eliminating color distortion in the daylight
  • Comes with infrared LED, supports night vision
  • 5 megapixel OV5647 sensor
  • Camera specifications
    • CCD size : 1/4inch
    • Aperture (F) : 1.8
    • Focal Length : 3.6mm adjustable
    • Field of View : 75.7 degree
    • Sensor best resolution : 1080p
  • 4 screw holes
    • Used for attachment
    • Provides 3.3V power output
    • Supports connecting infrared LED and/or fill flash LED
  • Dimension: 31mm × 32mm

Note: to use the camera with Raspberry Zero v1.3, you need to buy a specific cable: Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 Camera Cable

Development Resources

Wiki :

Package Content

Weight: 0.067 kg

  • RPi IR-CUT Camera × 1
  • Infrared LED Board (B) × 2
  • 15-pin FFC (opposite sides contact) × 1

Selection Guide

PartnumberPixelsSensorAdjustable-focusInfrared Night VisionAngle of View (degree)ManufacturerDimensions (mm)Recommendation 1
RPi Camera 5 Mega OV5647 × × 72.4 element14 25x24x9
RPi Camera V2 8 Mega IMX219 × × 73.8 element14 25x24x9 ★★★☆
RPi NoIR Camera V2 8 Mega IMX219 × 73.8 element14 25x24x9 ★★★☆
RPi Camera (B) 5 Mega OV5647 × 75.7 Waveshare 32x32 ★★★
RPi Camera (C) 5 Mega OV5647 × × 72.4 - 25x24x9 ★☆
RPi Camera (D) 5 Mega OV5647 × × 72.4 Waveshare 25x24x9 ★★
RPi Camera (E) 5 Mega OV5647 × 72.4 Waveshare 25x24x6 ★★
RPi Camera (F) 5 Mega OV5647 75.7 Waveshare 25x24 ★★★★
RPi Camera (G) 5 Mega OV5647 × 160 Waveshare 25x24 ★★★★
RPi Camera (H) 5 Mega OV5647 160 Waveshare 25x24 ★★★★
RPi Camera (I) 5 Mega OV5647 × 170 Waveshare 32x32 ★★★
RPi Camera (J) 5 Mega OV5647 × 222 Waveshare 25x24 ★★★☆
RPi IR-CUT Camera 2 5 Mega OV5647 75.7 Waveshare 31x32 ★★★★
RPi Zero V1.3 Camera 5 Mega OV5647 × × 72.4 Waveshare 60x11.5x5 ★★★
  1. The recommendation is considered from sales report and cost performance.
  2. While normal IR cameras will take curious reddish pictures by daylight for lacking of IR filter in the CCD, the RPi IR-CUT Camera can take better pictures in correct color by daylight, and still features the ability to see in the dark.

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