Mini berbequim 130W - 8000 a 32000rpm

Fresa para PCBs 0.5mm diametro - eixo...

Broca p/ PCBs - 0.7mm

Broca para Placas de Circuito Impresso para furos com 0.9mm de diâmetro. O encaixe na máquina é de 3,175mm (1/8'') de diâmetro.
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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
If you've started designing your own PCBs in Eagle or KiCad and want to make your PCB a reality, you may start out with an etching system to pattern out traces. But that's only half the job! You'll also need a way to drill some tiny and accurate holes. That's why we've started selling these PCB drill tips in a variety of sizes.
They're made from carbide (tungsten steel) and are suitable for circuit boards, electronics, SMT, molding, metal processing, telecommunications, and other uses. Each drill tip has a high hardness, wear resistance and strength and they're also super sharp which helps when drilling through PCBs. The drill bits also don't easily bend or break and come in a nice plastic case to store your tips when you're not using them.
This product comes with one 0.9mm Carbide PCB Drill Bit in a protective plastic case.
Produtos Associados
Broca para Placas de Circuito Impresso para furos com 0.9mm de diâmetro. O encaixe na máquina é de 3,175mm (1/8'') de diâmetro.