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Electroválvula 12V 3/4" (normalmente fechada)
Eletroválula 12VDC Normalmente Fechada com conector PVC roscado de 3/4". Opera com um mínino de pressão de aproximadamente 3 PSI, permitindo cerca de 3 L/min de fluxo. Ideal para controlo de liquidos por microcontrolador.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
Have you ever wanted to control the flow of a liquid using your computer or microcontroller, but didn't know how? Well, here's how: The 12V solenoid controlled fluid valve. Simply connect a fluid source to the 3/4" threaded inlet and it will interrupt the flow until 12V is applied to the fast-on connectors on the solenoid.
Note: This is not a gravity-feed solenoid. This means that you will need enough water pressure to fully open the valve. Check the datasheet below for exact details. It operates at a minimum of around 3 PSI, allowing around 3 L/min of flow. Although the datasheet shows the valve working at 220 VAC, it's actually 12 VDC. Our 350 GPH pump does not have enough pressure for this valve. A garden hose or other pressurized system should work just fine.
Costumer post:
The datasheet solenoid specifications don’t match this part.
Here’s are the real measurements:
The coil DC resistance is approximately 39 ohms.
The operating current is about 300 mA at 12VDC, and it will take it continuously without overheating.
The connector TPI on both sides of the device are the same, at about 13.5 (GHT is 11.5 TPI).
The pipe connectors are not GHT (garden hose thread); they are standard ¾" PVC type pipe thread that you can find at home supply and plumbing stores. An adapter to convert to GHT is about $1.50 at Home Depot.
This is a pilot assisted diaphragm valve, which means that it has a distinct input and output (it’s not a bidirectional valve). There’s a screen filter on the input side. The tabs that jut out are for mounting the solenoid; they are on the input side and have metric threaded metal nuts embedded in them.
- Datasheet (AQT15SP - NOTE: the datasheet shows the valve working at 220 VAC, it's actually 12 VDC )
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