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Sensor de poeiras DSM501A - Módulo de qualidade do ar PM2.5
: SEN12013
14,90 €
preço com IVA incluído
O sensor de pó DSM501 pode detetar fumo de tabaco e pólen, pó doméstico, como dispositivo de sucção automática de aquecimento, resistência ajustável é configurada para detetar o tamanho do pó.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
- Working voltage: DC 5.0 (plus and Minus 0.5V)
- Output model: PWM
- Working current(Max): 90mA
- Humidity Range: Storage Conditions 0-99% RH
- Humidity Range:Working Conditions 0-95% RH
- Temperature Range: Storage Conditions -20 to 80 degree
- Temperature Range: Working Conditions -20 to 60 degree
- Stability time: Heater power on after about 1 minute.
DSM501 dust sensor can sense that, tobacco smoke and pollen, house dust, such as heating automatic suction device, adjustable resistance is set up to detect the size of the dust.Using the same as the particle counter principle as the foundation, to detect the absolute number of particles per unit volume.
Dust sensorDSM501 feature:
- DSM501 dust sensor can sense that, tobacco smoke and pollen, house dust, etc
- More than 1 micron tiny particles.
- Small volume, light weight, easy to install.
- 5v input circuit, signal processing.
- Hidden within the airflow generator, able to attract the external atmosphere.
- Maintenance is simple and can keep the sensor characteristics for a long time.
- Light-emitting diode (LED) light
- The detector
- Signal amplifier circuit
- output driver circuit 1
- output driver circuit 2
- The heating
- PWM output
- Compact size and light weight
- Easy installation
- Single power supply
- Application:
- Air purifier or air purifier
- The air conditioning
- Air quality monitoring
- Breathing machine, etc.
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