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Sensor Qualidade do Ar SGP40
Integrado com a interface Gravity, este sensor de qualidade do Ar para além de ser fácil de ligar ao teu Arduino ou Raspberry é adequado para projetos dentro de casa que serão usados durante muito tempo.
Se quiseres saber mais sobre este produto, consulta a sua WikiPage.
Se tiver alguma dúvida neste produto não hesite em contactar-nos.
*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
The SGP40 Air Quality sensor adopts the new SGP40 digital VOC sensor chip launched by the well-known Sensirion. Based on the Sensirion’s CMOSens® technology, the SGP40 offers a complete sensor system on a single chip, a temperature-controlled micro-hotplate and a humidity-compensated indoor air quality signal. In combination with Sensirion’s powerful VOC algorithm, the sensor signal can be directly used to evaluate indoor air quality. It features low power(2.6mA), fast response(2s) and small size. The data from the sensor can be directly used to evaluate air quality without calibration.
Integrated with an easy-to-connect Gravity interface, this Gravity SGP40 Air Quality sensor is very suitable for indoor projects that will be used for a long time, such as refitting air purifiers, kitchen hoods, etc. Besides, we provide you with C and Python libraries for use with different main-controllers.
Note: VOC index is obtained by converting the detected ethanol equivalent in air.
Ultra-low power consumption(2.6mA)
Built-in temperature and humidity compensation, no need to calibrate
VOC index for direct air quality indication
Air Purifiers
Kitchen Hoods
Demand-controlled Ventilation
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Power Supply: 3.3V~5V
Operating Current: 2.6mA
Preheat Time: 10S
Response Time: 2S
Communication: I2C
I2C Address: 0x59
Operating Temperature Range: -10℃~50℃
Storage Temperature Range: 5℃~30℃
Operating Humidity Range: 0%RH~90%RH
VOC Index: 0-500
Measuring Range: 0-1000ppm(Ethanol Equivalent)
Dimension: 20*22mm/ 0.79*0.87”
Shipping List
Gravity: SGP40 Air Quality Sensor x1
Gravity-4P I2C/UART Sensor Cable x1
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