Lipo Safe Guard 220x180mm - Saco protetor à prova de fogo baterias Lipo

: BAT04047
9,90 €
preço com IVA incluído

O artigo é uma bolsa de armazenamento com 222x180mm de proteção de segurança de baterias Lipo profissional e prática, que é feita principalmente de material de fibra durável à prova de explosão e à prova de fogo para proteger bem a sua oficina, família e casa do perigo do carregamento lipo, e é a forma mais segura de transportar e guardar as suas baterias Lipo.



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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.


- Color: mainly grey.
- Material: durable fiberglass.
- Size S (W*H): about 18*23cm.
- and RC LiPo Li-Po Battery Fireproof Safety Guard Charge Bag.
- It is a blast-proof and fireproof bag, designed to stop and contain any fire caused by incorrectly charging or poorly functioning lipo packs.
- The safest way to charge and store your lipo batteries.
- Can well protect your workshop, family and home from the hazard of lipo charging.
- Bring safety and a peace of mind when charging your Lipo battery.

  • Color: mainly grey. Material: durable fiberglass. Size S: about 18*23cm.
  • It is a blast-proof and fireproof bag, designed to stop and contain any fire caused by incorrectly charging or poorly functioning lipo packs.
  • The safest way to charge and store your lipo batteries.
  • Can well protect your workshop, family and home from the hazard of lipo charging.
  • Bring safety and a peace of mind when charging your Lipo battery.

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