The DFRobot Heart Rate Monitor Sensor is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity can be charted as an ECG and output as an analog reading.
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*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.
The DFRobot Heart Rate Monitor Sensor is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity can be charted as an ECG and output as an analog reading. An ECG signal can be extremely noisy so we have included an AD8232 chip which will generate a clear signal from the PR and QT Intervals. Using the Arduino IDE "Serial Plotter" feature, you are also able to view plotted ECG output on PC!
To ease the difficult of using this sensor, a Gravity Interface is adapted to allow plug&play. The IO expansion shield is the best match for this sound senor connecting to your Arduino. As this sensor can work at 3.3V which make it compatible with Raspberry Pi, intel edison, joule and curie.
NOTE: This product is NOT a medical device and is not intended to be used as such or as an accessory to such nor diagnose or treat any conditions.
#include "HeartSpeed.h" HeartSpeed heartspeed(A1); ///<The serial port for at observe pulse. //HeartSpeed heartspeed(A1,RAW_DATA); ///<The serial port mapper, observation of ECG diagram. /* Print the position result */ void mycb(uint8_t rawData, int value) { if (rawData) { Serial.println(value); } else { Serial.print("HeartRate Value = "); Serial.println(value); } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); heartspeed.setCB(mycb); ///Callback function. heartspeed.begin(); ///The pulse test. } void loop() { }
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The DFRobot Heart Rate Monitor Sensor is used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity can be charted as an ECG and output as an analog reading.