- USB2Dynamixel connects to the PC’s USB port and has both a 3 pin and 4 pin port to connect Dynamixels.
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*Atenção: as imagens são meramente ilustrativas.
- USB2Dynamixel can be used for laptops and PCs without serial ports to convert to serial port. This function can be used for controllers such as CM-5 and CM-2+ that use serial communication or can be used to wirelessly control a robot by connecting the Zig2Serial to the USB port.
- Switch: To select between RS-232, RS-485, TTL
- 3P Connector: Communication port for TTL level(For AX and MX series control)
- 4P Connector: Communication port RS-485(For DX, RX, EX, and MX series control)
- USB2Dynamixel: 1 set
- Dynamixel : AX-Series, DX-Series, RX-Series, EX-106+, MX-Series
The USB2Dynamixel driver is automatically installed with RoboPlus software.
(Download Roboplus: http://www.robotis.com/xe/download_en)
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- USB2Dynamixel connects to the PC’s USB port and has both a 3 pin and 4 pin port to connect Dynamixels.