Brushless DC Motor with Encoder 12V 159RPM

: MOT02091
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This is a motor revolution: a new DC brushless motor with built-in motor driver. It can be connected to Arduino directly without external motor driver


If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.

*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.


This is a new brushless DC motor with the added bonus of a built-in motor driver - this means it doesn't need any external motor drivers and you can connect it to an Arduino board directly!

The brushless motor comes with direction control, PWM rotational speed control and frequency feedback output. It is suitable for miniature-sized mobile robotic platforms. With the motor speed feedback signal, it is useful in cyclic control systems.


  • Operating Voltage: 12V
  • Motor Rated Speed: 7100-7300rpm
  • Torque: 2.4kg*cm
  • Speed: 159 rpm/min approx.
  • Reduction ratio: 45:1
  • Signal cycle pulse number: 45*6 (Each cycle outputs 6 pulse)
  • Control mode:
    • PWM speed control
    • Direction control
    • Feedback pulse output



Label Name Description
1 PWM PWM Control, 0-5V (20~30KHz)
2 Power - POWER- (GND)
3 Direction Direction Pin:+5V or dangling, motor moves forward;
GND or cathode, motor moves backward.
4 FG FG signal pin(need a pull-up resister-5k)
5 Power + POWER+ (12V)

warning_yellow.png NOTE: Sometime, the manufacturer provides a different color cable, but the cable order is same.


Here is a example how to use this motor, Just follow the guide, and you will get it work.


First, prepare the following hardware and software.

  • Hardware
    • UNO x1
    • Motor x1

Connection Diagram

After the hardware, the module is connected with the UNO in the following diagram.


warning_yellow.png NOTE: Remember to connect Arduino GND to the POWER-.

Sample Code

  1. Open the Arduino IDE and copy the following code to the IDE. Select your board's serial port and the board type (e.g. Arduino UNO) and upload the sample code.
  2. Open the Serial monitor.
  3. Enter a number between 0 and 255 to set the motor's speed. (0: Maxmum speed; 255: Stop)
    • The code will alternates its rotation direction every 5 seconds.
int i = 0;
unsigned long time = 0;
bool flag = HIGH;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //direction control PIN 10 with direction wire 
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //PWM PIN 11  with PWM wire

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if (millis() - time > 5000)  {
    flag = !flag;
    digitalWrite(10, flag);
    time = millis();
  if (Serial.available())  {
    analogWrite(11, Serial.parseInt());  //input speed (must be int)
  for(int j = 0;j<8;j++)  {
    i += pulseIn(9, HIGH, 500000); //SIGNAL OUTPUT PIN 9 with  white line,cycle = 2*i,1s = 1000000us,Signal cycle pulse number:27*2
  i = i >> 3;
  Serial.print(111111 / i); //speed   r/min  (60*1000000/(45*6*2*i))
  Serial.println("  r/min");
  i = 0;

Expected Results




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