If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.
*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.
- voltage:
- operating voltage: 6-14V
- nominal: 12V
- no load:
- speed: 11500rpm
- current: 0.18A
- at max. efficiency:
- speed: 8768rpm
- current: 0.726A
- torque: 62.5gcm
- output: 5.617W
- eff.: 59.58%
- stall torque: 307.8gcm
- dimensions (mm):
- A: 8.9
- B: 11.5
- C: 32.6
- D: Ø27.9
- E: 51.0
- F: Ø2.3
- G: Ø10.0
- H: Ø27.9
- I: M2.5 x 0.45
- J: 16.0
- K:
Link dimensions datasheet: http://www.velleman.eu/downloads/16/mot3n.pdf