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Rain sensor HL-83
If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us. *Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.
Product introduction:
1. the sensor USES the high quality FR - 04 double material, large area of 5.0 * 4.0 CM, treatment of nickel plating and surface, have fight oxidation, electrical conductivity, and life has more superior performance;
2. the comparator output, signal clean, good waveform, driving ability is strong, for more than 15 ma;
3. with potentiometer sensitivity adjustment;
4. the working voltage of 3.3 V to 5 V
5. the output format: digital switch output (0 and 1) and analog AO voltage output;
6. has a fixed bolt hole, convenient installation
7. small board PCB size: 3.2 cm x 1.4 cm
8. the LM393, use of wide voltage comparator
Function is introduced:
Connected to 5 v power supply, power indicator, no water droplets on induction plate, the DO output high level, switch indicator light out, drop a drop of water on, the DO output for the low level, the switch light is lit,Brush away the water droplets, again to return to, the output high level...
AO analog output, which can be connected to the microcontroller AD mouth detection drops of rainfall in the above size.
DO TTL digital output also can connect to the single chip microcomputer detect whether there is rain.
Connection mode:
1. VCC: positive (3-5 v)
2. GND: connect power anode
3. DO: TTL switch signal output
4. AO: analog signal output
int nRainIn = A1; int nRainDigitalIn = 2; int nRainVal; boolean bIsRaining = false; String strRaining; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2,INPUT); } void loop() { nRainVal = analogRead(nRainIn); bIsRaining = !(digitalRead(nRainDigitalIn)); if(bIsRaining){ strRaining = "YES"; } else{ strRaining = "NO"; } Serial.print("Raining?: "); Serial.print(strRaining); Serial.print("t Moisture Level: "); Serial.println(nRainVal); delay(200); }