SparkFun Inventor's Kit - V4.1.2

Beginner Kit For Arduino v3.0

Contains: Project book (170 pages), Arduino UNO, USB cable, breadboard, base, 9V battery snap, jumper wires. LCD, Motor DC, set of electronic components and sensors.
NOTE: This is the English Version, if you want the Portuguese Version just click here.
If you have any questions on this product please feel free to contact us.
*Disclaimer: The images are merely illustrative.
This kit walks you through the basics in a hands-on way, with creative projects you build by learning, thanks to a selection of the most common and useful electronic components with a selection of 15 projects that start from a low complexity, in order to let you learn the basic of electronic, to a major one, using components that let you control the physical world throw different kind of sensor.
Once you have mastered this knowledges, you will have a palette of software and circuits that you can use to create something beautiful, and make someone smile with what you invent, that is the reason why you will find more components than the required from the projects of the book. Then build it, hack it and share it. Because arduino is you!
What there is in the kit is reported in the list below, clicking int he name of the component you can download the datasheet of the parts, a document that describes the design and functionality of electrical components.
Also available in Italian Language
The kit includes:
For more information visit arduino.cc/starterkit
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Contains: Project book (170 pages), Arduino UNO, USB cable, breadboard, base, 9V battery snap, jumper wires. LCD, Motor DC, set of electronic components and sensors.
NOTE: This is the English Version, if you want the Portuguese Version just click here.